Vivien haigh wood biography channel

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Vivienne Haigh-Wood Eliot (also Vivien, born Vivienne Haigh; – 22 January ) was the first wife of American-British poet T. S. Eliot, whom she married in , less than three months after their introduction by mutual friends, when Vivienne was a governess in Cambridge and Eliot was studying at See more.
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Vivien haigh wood biography channel

Vivien was the daughter of Rose Robinson and Charles Haigh-Wood, a popular Victorian artist.

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Eliot’s marriage to Vivien Haigh-Wood in , at the end of his year as a research student at Oxford, is dealt with by Crawford compassionately and unsensationally as a union Missing: biography channel.

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Vivien (ne) Eliot, née Haigh-Wood (–): T. S. Eliot’s first wife.