Vilhjalmur stefansson cause of death

Vilhjalmur stefansson pronunciation

It sank on January 11, Four of the survivors made their way to Herald Island but eventually died there, possibly from carbon monoxide poisoning, before they could be rescued.
vilhjalmur stefansson cause of death

Vilhjalmur stefansson death

In , he organized the ill-fated Wrangel Island Expedition, the failure of which caused the death of all but one of its participants.

Vilhjalmur stefansson cause of death photos

It sank on January 11, Four of the survivors made their way to Herald Island but eventually died there, possibly from carbon monoxide poisoning, before they could be rescued.
Vilhjalmur stefansson cause of death update
Explore Vilhjalmur Stefansson's biography, personal life, family and cause of death.