Istra eva braun biography

Eva braun facts

Discover the story of the song 'Istra - Eva Braun', along with the meaning of the lyrics.
istra eva braun biography

Where is eva braun buried

Eva Braun is best known as the wife of Hitler who also served as an official photographer for Hiter’s party.

Eva braun descendents

Istra Lyrics: Poljubac u snu / I tvoje oči kao masline / Plivamo po dnu / Prečicom do tajne obale / Dani ljubavi / A ti neobično obična / Putujemo divljom / Stranom ispod talasa / Smeh u očima.
Istra eva braun biography images
Tekst pjesme Eva Braun - Istra: Poljubac u snu, i tvoje oci kao masline, plivamo po dnu, precicom do tajne obale.