American national biography 1999 calendar

Biography database

The American National Biography (ANB) is a volume biographical encyclopedia set that contains about 17, entries and 20 million words, first published in by Oxford University Press under the auspices of the American Council of Learned Societies.
american national biography 1999 calendar

Biography website

Numbering 24 volumes and containing 17, entries, the work offers readable, informative, and critical biographies for each subject, the location of their papers (if they exist), .

Biography of the day

More than a decade in the making, the volume American National Biography (ANB) has just been published by Oxford University Press under the auspices of the American .

American history biographies
Numbering 24 volumes and containing 17, entries, the work offers readable, informative, and critical biographies for each subject, the location of their papers (if they exist), and selective .